Admin Commands

The default admin command is /advancedkits (/ak)

<> required [] optional



Reloads the plugin.

createkit <kit>

Create a new kit.

deletekit <kit>

Delete an existing kit.

edit <kit> [level]

Set your inventory items on the kit.

give <player> kit <kit> [level]

Give a kit with specified level to player.

give <player> voucher <vouchers>

Give a voucher to player.

open [player]

Open the main kits menu to yourself or to other player.

resetcooldown <player> <kit>

Reset the specified kit cooldown on player.

kit <kit> clone <name of clone>

Clone a kit. (not work yet)

kit <kit> rename <new name>

Rename a kit. (not work yet)

kit <kit> setdisplayname <display name>

Set display name on a kit.

kit <kit> setpreviewmenu <preview menu>

Set a preview menu on a kit.

convert <plugin>

Import configurations from other plugins.

The default command can be changed on the config.yml file.

Last updated