Discover and list all the placeholders employed within this plugin.
To employ these placeholders in other plugins, it is imperative to have the PlaceholderAPI plugin installed on your server. Additionally, ensure that the other plugins you intend to use support PlaceholderAPI functionality.
Displays amount of all kits with offline support
Displays amount of all kits from a specified category with offline support
Displays amount of kits that are ready to redeem
Displays amount of kits that are ready to redeem from a specified category
Displays amount of kits that are on cooldown
Displays amount of kits that are on cooldown from a specified category
Displays amount of locked (no permission) kits
Displays amount of locked (no permission) kits from a specified category
Displays amount of kits that are available for purchase
Displays amount of kits that are available for purchase from a specified category
Displays amount of overused (maximum usages) kits
Displays amount of overused (maximum usages) kits from a specified category
Displays amount of owned (available, unavailable, overused) kits
Displays amount of owned (available, unavailable, overused) kits from a specified category
Displays the kit status (AVAILABLE, UNAVAILABLE, LOCKED, PURCHASABLE, OVERUSED) of a specified kit
Displays count of total kit levels of a specified kit with offline support
Displays current usages of a kit
Displays true or false if the kit is upgradeable or not
Displays the display name of a kit.
Displays remaining claim cooldown of a specified kit
Displays remaining buy cooldown of a specified kit
Kit Items
These placeholders can be incorporated into the display name and lore of kit items. The placeholders will take effect when a player acquires the kit items or when previewing a kit in any preview menu. This dynamic application enhances the customization and adaptability of kit item information for a more personalized and informative player experience.
Reveals the name of the player acquiring a kit or engaging in a kit preview, ensuring a personalized experience by dynamically displaying the respective player's name in these contexts.
These placeholders remain fixed, signifying that once kit items are distributed to players, the values represented by these placeholders cannot be altered or modified.
These placeholders are versatile, allowing their integration into the display name and lore of kit items within a menu. Additionally, they can be applied to messages, titles, player commands, and console commands triggered when a player claims a kit, offering a comprehensive way to customize and personalize various aspects of the kit experience.
Presents the name of the player engaging with the system.
Reveals the cooldown duration associated with a kit, specifying the time until it can be accessed again.
Highlights the current usage count of a kit.
Indicates the maximum allowable usage count for a kit.
Specifies the quantity of items included in a kit.
Showcases the present level attained by a kit.
Displays the highest level achievable for a kit.
Exhibits the unique identifier assigned to a specific kit.
Showcases the user-friendly display name associated with a particular kit, providing a clear and recognizable identifier for the kit in a user interface or display.
Details the cost associated with the initial level of a kit.
Illustrates the remaining time before a kit becomes claimable once more.
Retrieves the number of empty slots in the player's inventory. (Required to disable claim with full inventory)
Determines the necessary empty slots for claiming a kit, preventing claims when the inventory lacks sufficient space. (Required to disable claim with full inventory)
The placeholders support auto-refresh when you use them on kit items of a menu in the display name and lore.
Upgrade Buttons
These placeholders can be applied to the upgrade buttons within both the display name and lore, enabling dynamic information presentation on the upgrade level and needed cost directly within the user interface.
Indicates the upgrade level of a kit.
Presents the required cost for the upgrade if the player currently lacks the necessary funds.
Similar to {total} but is for upgrading a kit.
Similar to {cooldown} but is for upgrading a kit.
All the Kits placeholders mentioned above are supported.
These placeholders can be employed across a spectrum of elements associated with voucher claiming, including items, messages, titles, player commands, and console commands. Their adaptability ensures seamless integration, allowing for comprehensive customization and personalization when players claim a voucher.
Presents the name of the player engaging with the system.
Exhibits the unique identifier assigned to the voucher.
To employ the {player}
placeholders on items, it is necessary to activate NBT support in the config.yml file by enabling voucher-settings.nbt-tags.enabled
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